September 30, 2008

2008-2009 Girl Guides of Canada catalogue released

A few weeks ago while checking in on the GGC website (as I like to do often), I noticed that the new Girl Guides of Canada catalogue had been released. As an avid collector of patches and other pieces of Guiding memorabilia (and as a big fan of the annual GGC catalogue), I was excited by this fact, however I felt a little let down upon venturing through its PDF pages (at this stage I’ve only seen the 2009 catalogue in its online form, but just as was the case last year, I’m sure that the paper version will be the same as the internet one).

The reason for my lack of enthusiasm? In my opinion, the catalogue is extremely similar to last year’s. Of course a lot of elements (such as uniform pieces) are generally expected to remain the same from year to year, but I would have liked to see a handful of new fun patches and (more) non-uniform items make their debut in this catalogue.

I have a (paper) copy of nearly every GGC catalogue since around 1990, they’re beautiful and enjoyable pieces to look through and spend time admiring items from days gone by. However in more recent years I’ve noticed that the number of “fun” items (things like dolls, toys, stationery items, stickers, key chains, and other sundry articles) have greatly diminished.

As a collector, I really wish this wasn’t the case, but as a realist, I understand that the budget to produce and market such items may simply no longer be available (or that money may have been put to use elsewhere in the organization). Still, with each newly released GGC catalogue I can’t help but keep my fingers crossed that a larger assortment of fun items bedecked with a trefoil will appear. And while we’re still wrapping up 2008, I’m already looking forward with eager anticipation to the 2010 catalogue, in the hope that it will once again contain a broader assortment of lovely GGC items (after all, the more interesting and new items they put out, the more I’m likely to purchase and thus help provide the GGC with revenue for).

What are your thoughts? Do you like a smaller, more concise and program centred catalogue or would you like to see a return to more pages and a wider assortment of items?