April 29, 2010

The GGC and GSUSA are on Twitter!

While I’m the first to admit that I’m not the most prolific Twitter user (I like the site, but find the small character limit a bit irksome, as I rather adore having the freedom to use as many words as I please), it’s always a delight to find out that a person, business or organization I adore is using that site as well.

Very recently I discovered numerous Girl Guiding and Scouting organizations on Twitter, many of which I’ve listed below:

-Girl Guides of Canada

-Guiding Mosaic 2010

-Girl Guides Australia

-Girl Guides South Australia Inc

-Girlguiding UK

-Girlguiding 2010 (Centenary Camp)


-Girl Scouts USA (Note that in addition to the main GSUSA Twitter account, numerous Councils also have their own Twitter pages, just do a Twitter search to see if your Council is amongst those who are Tweeting)

-Guías y Scouts Chile (Guides and Scouts Chile)

-GuíasScouts Perú (Guides Scouts Peru)

-Our Cabana

-WAGGGS Challenge

-World Association of the Scout Movement

Whether you tweet morning, noon and night or just every great once in a while, if you’re a fellow Guiding/Scouting enthusiast, some or all of these accounts are ones that you may enjoy following. I’ve been tracking most of them and have enjoyed the great tweets they’ve posted recently.

(A screenshot of the Girl Guides of Canada's official Twitter account page, which is updated with Guiding related news and other information frequently.)

While Guiding is certainly a very venerable movement, it has always strove to keep abreast of the times, and the fact that many WAGGGS members the world over are now on Twitter further points towards how much Guiding is trying to stay current and relevant to its existing and prospective members.

If you’re on Twitter and would like to connect, you can find me here. Definitely feel free to let me know in the comment section of this post if you follow me (please include your Twitter account name), so that I can be sure follow you back.

Happy Tweeting to all my fellow GG and GS friends!